
This Quick Test Shows If Your Isp Is Secretly Throttling Your Internet Speeds

This quick test shows if your ISP is secretly throttling your internet speeds This quick test shows if your ISP is secretly throttling your internet speeds
While the Title II classification of ISPs as common carriers was a victory for all, there is growing concern that ISPs could go on with business as usual with clever tricks designed to skirt the rules of the classification. While knowingly stepping outside the boundaries of the Title II classification carries the possibility of hefty fines and additional regulation by the FCC – for the most part – the average consumer would never even realize throttling or degradation was even taking place. The ‘Internet Health Test‘ by Battle for the Net is eingeschaltet attempt to install a sense of checks and balances…

This story continues at The Next Web

from The Next Web http://ift.tt/1F4fZz1

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