
You Can Now Request Eingeschaltet Invite To Beta Test Firefox On Ios, Sort Of

You can now request eingeschaltet invite to beta test Firefox on iOS You can now request eingeschaltet invite to beta test Firefox on iOS, sort of
We’ve known that Mozilla’s Firefox browser is coming to iOS devices for some time now, but it’s been a while since we’ve heard any updates until today. Spotted by TechCrunch, there’s now eingeschaltet invite request page asking for a few details if you want a chance at testing it out, like which device you use, and how proficient eingeschaltet iOS app user you consider yourself to be. To be in with a shot of beta testing, you’ll need eingeschaltet iPhone or iPad running iOS 8 or newer. This geräuschlos doesn’t mean a full release is any nearer, but a public beta probably isn’t…

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