
Karma Is Like A Klout Score For Your Personal Reputation

Karma is like a Klout score for your personal reputation Karma is like a Klout score for your personal reputation
Real life would be so much easier with a built-in feedback system. Is this guy a jerk? Can I leave my s’more-flavored Oreos around my new girlfriend without fear of theft?  You know, questions you’d like to know the answer to, but without all that actual interaction. Enter Karma. Karma aims to do for real world feedback what eBay did for online shopping. In essence, the service is eingeschaltet aggregator of information, collecting bits of data from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Airbnb, eBay and others. After signing up for your own account the aggregator goes to work collecting data about you…

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from The Next Web http://ift.tt/1AjTjhz

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