
Creative 2018

Creative 2018
 The Creative Certification examination covers rich media creative setup using Google Web Design  Creative  2018
The Creative Certification examination covers rich media creative setup using Google Web Design in addition to Creative to construct HTML5 in addition to dynamic creatives. It also assesses the steps to preview, QA, in addition to set out creatives to Campaign Manager, in addition to hence mensurate results.
Users completing this examination should have got sense alongside Studio in addition to dynamic workflows, working alongside feeds, in addition to the production of display ads alongside Google Web Designer in addition to hand-coded creatives. This examination also covers cognition related to workflow integration alongside trafficking in addition to programmatic campaigns.
The cognition tested inwards this examination typically aligns alongside the next roles:
  • Project Manager
  • Creative Developer
  • Designer/Animators
  • Creative Director

fifty questions
You volition have got lx minutes to consummate the exam.
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 score of 80% or higher is required to laissez passer on the exam.

When a feed contains a column of dynamic clickthrough URLs, what purpose volition a hand-
coded creative use?
  • Enabler.exit()
  • Enabler.clickthrough()
  • Enabler.exitOverride()
  • Enabler.exitOnQuery()

Which ii settings create upward one's hear which dynamic content is selected past times the advertizing server to post to the creative? (select two)
Select All Correct Responses
  • Code inside the creative
  • Reporting dimensions inwards Studio
  • Rotation options inwards Studio
  • Targeting rules inwards Studio

Which 3 feed types tin survive used for importing information into dynamic campaigns inwards Studio? (select three)
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  • Google Merchant Center
  • CSV
  • XLS
  • Google Spreadsheets

When should the code from "Step 4: Generate Code" survive called past times a hand-coded dynamic creative?
  • AFTER the Enabler has been initialized, in addition to AFTER dynamic content is accessed
  • BEFORE the Enabler has been initialized in addition to dynamic content is accessed
  • AFTER the Enabler has been initialized, exactly BEFORE dynamic content is accessed
  • BEFORE the Enabler has been initialized, in addition to AFTER dynamic content is accessed

Which 3 components are available inwards Google Web Designer? (select three)
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  • YouTube Video Player

    • Counters

  • Tap Area
  • Maps

Which ii variables tin survive used to optimize the rotation of dynamic creatives? (select two)
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  • Click-through-conversion rate
  • Click-through charge per unit of measurement (CTR)

  • Impression-to-view rate
  • Designated weights

When working on a profile alongside a ranked combination of rules, what characteristic should survive used at the Manage Rules stage?

  • Prioritized rules

  • Sequential rotation in addition to prioritized rules
  • Optimized rotation
  • Weighted rotation
In what department of Studio are creative images in addition to videos stored?
Dynamic Content

Which ii Campaign Manager attributes tin survive used equally filters inwards a dynamic feed? (select two)
Canonical geolocation
Floodlight ID
Placement ID
Site ID
What champaign type is used for information laissez passer on targeting inwards a dynamic profile?
    • Display & Video 360 Line Item Id
    • Campaign Manager Site ID
    • Remarketing Value

  • Custom value

Which ii targeting types are supported inwards Studio for dynamic creatives? (select two)
Language targeting
Audience targeting
Device targeting

In what production are dynamic targeting keys created?
    • Search Ads 360

  • Campaign Manager

  • Studio
  • Display & Video 360

When using creative dimension filtering, what steps must survive taken to generate dynamic previews correctly?
    • Select all creative sizes in addition to click "Apply"

  • Enter i creative size, select the creative for that size, in addition to click "Apply"

  • Enter the creative sizes equally comma-separated values, select the corresponding creative sizes, in addition to click "Apply"
  • Enter the creative size in addition to click "Apply"

Which types of assets tin survive used inwards Studio? (select two)
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  • .png
  • .jpg

  • .eps
  • .tiff
What are 3 benefits of using an existing Google Merchant Center feed for dynamic creatives inwards Studio? (select three)
Built-in abilty to utilization Google's recommendation engine
Updates to the Google Merchant Center feed are automatically synced inwards Studio
Ability to apply additional filtering logic to the Google Merchant Center feed
No row boundary for the Google Merchant Center feed

What dynamic strategy allows flying scheduling of dynamic creatives?
Start in addition to halt appointment scheduling
Weighted rotation
Campaign Manager Placement ID
Dynamic targeting keys

To construct an expanding creative, which 3 panels must survive included inwards the HTML? (select three)
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  • Expanded
  • Main

    • Auto-expand

  • Collapsed

What characteristic allows users to create a dynamic champaign without needing to upload a feed?
    • Filter past times feed row ID
    • Feed scheduling
    • Constant matching

  • Profile field

In the dynamic workflow subsequently managing the information in addition to rules, what is the side past times side pace to educate a dynamic creative?
Publish the creative to Campaign Manager
Generate the code
Set upward the reporting dimensions
Review the preview sheet

How many Studio profiles tin a dynamic creative survive linked to?
    • 2
    • Unlimited

  • 1

  • 3

Where is the dynamic path for an property found?
In the Details department of the selected asset
In the Account Summary page
In the General Info section
In the Creatives section

How tin a Studio profile survive edited without impacting the alive campaign?
    • Retransform the feed
    • Edit the feed
    • Create a novel profile using the existing feed

  • Create a draft version of the profile

What are 3 benefits of filtering past times creative dimensions? (select three)
Easier to take away in addition to add together creative sizes inwards the feed
Lets dynamic campaigns scale equally to a greater extent than creative sizes are added
Allows pulling preview sheets across all sizes without specifying the creative size inwards Step 5: Preview
Allows for less columns which reduces the dynamic response information sent from the advertizing server to the creative

What does optimization prioritize when used for dynamic creatives?

  • The best performing rows inwards the feed

  • The best performing placement inwards Campaign Manager
  • The best performing creative inwards Campaign Manager
  • The best performing columns inwards the feed

Which ii columns are required inwards a feed? (select two)
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    • Clickthrough URL

  • Reporting label

    • Headline text

  • Unique ID

What's the to a greater extent than or less efficient agency to target i headline to 10 unlike audience IDs inwards a feed?
    • Add 10 rows alongside a unlike audience ID inwards each row
    • Add 10 columns alongside a unlike audience ID inwards each column

  • Add 10 comma-separated audience IDs into i cell

  • Add 10 rows in addition to 10 columns alongside an audience ID inwards each row in addition to column

To create a dynamic profile, what steps must survive taken inwards the Dynamic Content section?
Under the advertiser, click "New Profile," update the scream hence click "Create"
Add the dynamic Enabler code from the Generate Code department to the creative
Go to Studio Campaign, upload a dynamic creative, in addition to click "Save"
Assign the HTML5 creative files to the advertiser in addition to click "Create Dynamic Profile"

To preview a creative on a blank page, what choice should survive selected from the dropdown?
    • On screen
    • Custom URL
    • Sample website

  • Blank page

What are ii creative elements that tin survive dynamic? (select two)
Clickthrough URLs
Ad border
Creative type

What steps should survive taken nether Manage Data to upload a novel feed to the Studio profile?

  • Select New Content, hence Content source, in addition to click "Start import"

  • Select New Feed in addition to hence click "Start import"
  • Select an existing root in addition to update the content alongside the novel feed
  • Select "New profile field" in addition to come inwards a scream inwards the text field
What user access grade allows read in addition to write access to create or edit a dynamic profile in addition to feed?
Content Reader
Dynamic Content User
Content Owner
Content Writer

What is the Asset Library file size boundary per upload for video files?
    • 100MB

  • 60MB

  • 50MB
  • 80MB
Which ii methods tin survive used to connect dynamic information to an chemical element inwards the creative? (select two)
Binding inwards Google Web Designer
Custom JavaScript
Custom Floodlight variables
Binding inwards Campaign Manager

When a user generates a dynamic preview in addition to receives the mistake "Can't present a preview because you lot haven't laid a default creative or your applied filters don't gibe whatever feed rows," what commencement pace should survive taken to troubleshoot the error?
    • Confirm the feed is consummate alongside no warnings
    • Retransform the feed

  • Check if the right feed filtering parameters were applied inwards the preview panel

  • Re-upload the feed

Which ii methods tin survive used to construct dynamic creatives for Studio? (select two)
Google Web Designer
Adobe Edge Animate
Hand-coded HTML + JavaScript
Libraries such equally jQuery or CreateJS

What pace must survive taken earlier initiating a fullscreen expansion?
    • Add a polite loader
    • Establish a connecter to your dynamic feed
    • Determine the size of the screen

  • Check that the Enabler has been initialized

Which 3 creative types are allowed when using VPAID creatives? (select three)
Full-screen expanding
HTML5 non-linear

When should the dynamic creative survive uploaded to Studio?
    • AFTER creating the feed, exactly BEFORE creating in addition to publishing the Studio profile
    • AFTER creating the feed in addition to publishing the Studio profile
    • AFTER creating the preview sheet, exactly BEFORE creating the feed in addition to Studio profile

  • AFTER creating the feed in addition to Studio profile, exactly BEFORE publishing the profile

What exercise "counters" mensurate inwards Studio?
    • Number of users that did non interact alongside a creative

  • Number of times an activity is taken inside a creative

  • Elapsed fourth dimension interacting alongside a creative element
  • Length of fourth dimension a video creative is played

To target multiple Campaign Manager IDs inside i jail cellular telephone of a feed, what grapheme is used to dissever IDs?
    • Percent sign ("%")
    • Pipe ("|")
    • Semi-colon (";")

  • Comma (",")

Which 3 elements are required for a dynamic creative? (select three)
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  • Dynamic content
  • Studio creative

    • Asset Library

  • Studio profile

When an property is selected inwards the Asset Library, which 3 attributes seem inwards the property Details section? (select three)
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    • Creatives that utilization the asset

  • Dynamic path
  • Asset dimensions
  • A preview of the private asset

What values are included inwards the targeting column of a remarketing feed?
    • Third-party cookie values

  • Floodlight custom variable ("u-var") values

  • Floodlight audience listing IDs
  • The advertiser's cookie values

In what department of Studio tin users create in addition to deal dynamic profiles?
    • Creative

  • Dynamic Content

  • Assets
  • Admin

What activity occurs when assets are uploaded to the Creative section?
Assets are automatically resized
Creatives are delivered to Campaign Manager for trafficking
Assets are copied to the Asset Library
Assets are shared across all advertisers inwards the Studio account

What type of creative appears inside a laid of borders in addition to doesn't expand or encompass a website's content?
Expandable creative
Floating creative
Banner creative
Interstitial creative

Which 3 rotation settings are available inwards Studio? (select three)

In what department of Studio tin users upload in addition to deal advertizing files?

  • Creative

  • Assets
  • Admin
  • Dynamic Content
How tin a dynamic preview canvas survive removed from a Studio profile?
Open the preview canvas in addition to click "Undo"
Delete the preview sheet
Archive the preview sheet
Edit permissions to the preview sheet

Which ii types of creatives either float higher upward a webpage or fill upward an entire mobile screen? (select two)
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  • Floating creative

    • Expandable creative
    • Banner creative

  • Interstitial creative

The HTML5 Enabler should survive added to which tag inwards a creative's HTML file?
    • <script>

  • <head>

  • <div>
  • <body>

Which ii information types are NOT supported equally dynamic elements? (select two)
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  • HTML5 animations
  • Numerical fractions

  • Decimal numbers
  • Text
What profile setting allows Studio to gibe to a greater extent than than i row on impression?

  • Quantity

  • Dependent selection
  • Profile field
  • Auto-filter

Where are dynamic profiles located?
In Advertisers nether Advertiser association
In the Creatives tab when viewing a dynamic creative
In the Dynamic Content tab side past times side to advertiser name
In the Assets tab nether Account Details

Which ii preview types tin survive used to generate a dynamic preview? (select two)
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  • Filter past times dynamic criteria

    • Filter past times reporting label
    • Filter past times feed chemical element name

  • Filter past times row ID

What dynamic strategy uses a naming convention to supplant numeric Campaign Manager IDs?
    • Remarketing

  • Dynamic targeting keys

  • Display & Video 360 problem exceptional filtering
  • Data pass
What method for using custom fonts is NOT supported for dynamic text?
    • Any fonts uploaded alongside a creative inwards Studio
    • Fonts loaded from Google Fonts

  • Fonts stored on a File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

  • Fonts added to Asset Library in addition to linked to a creative inwards Studio

When you lot have got multliple images to back upward unlike creative sizes inside a unmarried profile, what activity should survive taken?
Create i feed per advertizing size
Upload the images to Asset Library to generate the unlike creative sizes
Create i feed in addition to filter past times creative dimensions
Use a unmarried icon in addition to Studio volition resize automatically

What is the minimum issue of exits required for a creative?
    • 2

  • 1

  • 0
  • 3
Echo remarketing uses dynamic content from what source?
    • Dynamic rules
    • A feed
    • The creative code

  • Custom Floodlight variables

What is the Asset Library file size boundary per upload for non-video files?
    • 20MB

  • 10MB

  • 15MB
  • 5MB
What tool makes it possible to preview a creative on a mobile device that's linked to a Studio account?
    • Google Web Designer
    • IAB VAST tag tool

  • Creative Preview app

  • QA Helper extension

What is the proper format for geo-targeting a location inwards a feed?

  • Los Angeles,California,United States

  • Los Angeles,United States
  • Los Angeles,California
  • Los Angeles,United States,California
What characteristic tin survive used to target multiple columns inwards a feed i at a time?
    • Trafficking rules

  • Prioritized rules

  • Rotation priority
  • Feed priority

What are ii benefits of using dynamic creatives inwards Studio? (select two)
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  • Ability to testify unlike content inside i creative

    • Ability to testify unlike advertizing formats inside i creative
    • Ability to testify unlike sizes inside i creative

  • Ability to construct in addition to traffic solely i creative per advertizing size

In what department of Studio is user access managed?
    • Creative
    • Dynamic Content

  • Admin

  • Assets
What is the method to a greater extent than or less oft used to define the dynamic content for a creative?
    • Campaign Manager

  • Spreadsheet

  • External API
  • Code inside the creative

Which ii options must survive truthful to utilization opened upward optimization? (select two)
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    • Only i row inwards the feed must survive eligible to survive served

  • More than i row inwards the feed must survive eligible to serve

    • The dynamic feed must include a row alongside "optimize" inwards the cell

  • In "Step 3: Manage Rules" rotation must survive laid to "Optimized"

Which ii video formats tin survive built equally Rich Media inwards Studio? (select two)
  • Video Ad Serving Template (VAST)
  • YouTube TrueView
  • Video Player-Ad Interface definition (VPAID)
  • In-banner video MPU

Which ii capabilities are possible alongside dynamic preview sheets? (select two)
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  • Bulk dynamic previews via .csv import
  • External sharing to stakeholders without Studio access
  • Ability to download in addition to portion equally a PDF file
  • Editing inside the preview sheet

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